Category Archives: Technology
Cloudflare Web3 Gateways Webinar
Still time to register and have a chance at winning a $300 VISA e-Gift Card! Join us tomorrow, March 9th to learn how Cloudflare can help in your Web3 journey. Learn about Cloudflare’s vision and products around Web3. By the … Continue reading
Cloudflare IPFS Gateway Whitepaper
Since joining Cloudflare, I’ve had the opportunity to research and work on Web3 including IPFS and Cloudflare’s IPFS Gateway. I’ve also had the opportunity to write this detailed whitepaper on Cloudflare IPFS Gateway. Thankful for an amazing Web3 engineering team … Continue reading
Speaking at Upcoming Webinar – Introduction to Cloudflare Web3 Gateways
I’ll be speaking at an upcoming Cloudflare Webinar – Introduction to Cloudflare Web3 Gateways! Only 14 days left. Click here to register and have a chance to win a A $300 VISA e-Gift Card!
The Evolution of Blockchain from Crypto to DApps
I remember buying my first bitcoin back when it was still hovering around ~$100. It’s an understatement to say things have sure changed – and, not just in terms of what Bitcoin is now worth (market cap just under $1 … Continue reading
Web3, DApps, and Cloudflare IPFS and Ethereum Gateways
One of the interesting areas I’ve been reading-up and working on past few months has been Web3. Web3 can be viewed as a new iteration of the Web incorporating technologies that exhibit characteristics of decentralization, trustlessness, immutability, inherent verification, while … Continue reading
Start of a new role at Cloudflare!
It’s been several weeks or roughly around 2 months now that I’ve been at Cloudflare in the role of Technical Marketing Director. Very grateful and fortunate to have worked with incredibly talented people at so many innovative companies during my … Continue reading
Nutanix Beam – Chargeback and Tracking Spend Across Clouds
My prior post on Nutanix Beam, Optimize Cost Across Public and Private Clouds with Nutanix Beam, provided a brief intro and described some of the basic functionality of Beam and how it can be used to define a cost control … Continue reading