Web3 and Cloudflare Web3 Gateways Walkthrough [Video]

Checkout my latest video on Web3 and Cloudflare Web3 Gateways below or directly on the Cloudflare YouTube channel here.

Cloudflare Web3 Gateways include IPFS Gateway and Ethereum Gateway. In this video I walkthrough what Web3 is and the motivation behind Web3. I also discuss how Cloudflare Web3 Gateways work and their respective benefits. The presentation is based on the Web3 and Cloudflare Web3 Gateways’ whitepapers I’ve written: Cloudflare Ethereum Gateway Whitepaper and Cloudflare IPFS Gateway Whitepaper.

Follow me on Twitter: @Humair_Ahmed

This entry was posted in Applications, Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cloudflare, Cloudflare, Cryptocurrency, DApps, DApps, Ether, Ethereum, Ethereum, IPFS, Network Architecture, Networking, Technology, Technology, Virtualization and Cloud Computing, Web Development, Web3 and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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