New Technology Website –

SuperTechCamp.comI have had this blog for over a decade now starting way back in 2008. That seems like a long time ago; wait… that is a long time ago :-)! At that time, there were not nearly as many bloggers as there are now and most people who were blogging really enjoyed it. Nowadays, everyone and their mother has a blog, and it almost comes as a requirement for being in tech :-). Anyway, more on that later.

I will continue to update my personal blog here which is more focused on traditional development, virtualization, networking/cloud, IT, and business, but I have also started a completely new site that expands onto many other technologies. Make sure to check it out:

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1 Response to New Technology Website –

  1. Thanks for your informative content. I dealy take new ideas to form another blog then I write a new one.

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