Tag Archives: NSX REST API and Perl
Monitoring VMware NSX SpoofGuard with REST API and Perl
I also published this blog post about monitoring VMware NSX SpoofGuard with REST API and Perl on the VMware NSX Network Virtualization Blog on June 17, 2016. The full blog post is provided below and can also be seen on … Continue reading
Posted in Labs, Network Architecture, Network Security, Networking, Perl, Programming Languages, Technology, Virtualization and Cloud Computing, VMware, VMware
Tagged Active IP Addresses, Automating VMware NSX Security, Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, CPAN, Data::Validate::IP, Data::Validate::IP library, IP Address Spoofing, IP Addresses Pending Review, IP spoofing, NSX, NSX REST API, NSX REST API and Perl, NSX SpoofGuard, perl, Perl REST client, Perl REST client module/library, REST API, REST API and Perl, REST:Client, REST:Client library, REST:Client module, SpoofGuard, SpoofGuard Active IP Addresses, SpoofGuard Active Virtual NICs, SpoofGuard IP Addresses, SpoofGuard IP Addresses Pending Review, SpoofGuard states, spoofing, vmware, VMware NSX, XML, XML:Simple, XMLin
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