Below is a walk-through of how to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu 10.10. I’ve listed two methods of installation – one using ‘apt-get’ and the other using ‘dpkg’. The main difference is that ‘apt-get’ will resolve dependencies for you and ‘dpkg’ will not. Remember to if you are not logged in as root or another superuser, use ‘sudo’ in front of every command.
Installing Chrome using apt-get:
- At the terminal enter:
add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/stable
- Enter:
apt-get update
- Enter:
apt-get install chromium-browser
- If you get any dependency errors on install, enter the following command:
apt-get -f install
Installing Chrome using dpkg:
- Download the Debian package at:
- Using the terminal navigate to the location of the downloaded file and enter (your filename may be different):
dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb